Here are some external resources for more information:
National Kidney Foundation: A great resource. The NKF has an amazing amount of information available on kidney failure, transplants, and dialysis.
National Kidney Foundation: A great resource. The NKF has an amazing amount of information available on kidney failure, transplants, and dialysis.
Kidney Quiz: Test your kidney I.Q. with this quiz from the National Kidney Foundation. (Requires Flash)
American Association of Kidney Patients: Non-profit dedicated to improving the lives of fellow kidney patients and their families by helping them deal with the physical, emotional and social impact of kidney disease
Hemodialysis Info: A very dense source of information about hemodialysis.
Peritoneal Dialysis Info: A thorough information source for Peritoneal Dialysis.
Kidney Transplant Info: A great source of information about kidney transplants.
Johns Hopkins Hospital: The main website for Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. Johns Hopkins has been the #1 hospital in the nation for 20 years running. Their transplant program is one of their flagships and they do an amazing job.
Paired Exchange Transplant Program: Information about Hopkins' domino transplant program
Sensitized Transplants: Hopkins' site with information about sensitized transplants and methods used.
Plasmapheresis: Information about plasmapheresis; a method used to treat the blood to help fight against rejection.